Hugo: A Static Site Generator

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Hugo: A Static Site Generator

In this post I give an introduction to what I think is the best static site generator: Hugo.

What is Hugo?

Hugo is an open-source static site generator written in Go. It takes structured content, often written in Markdown, and compiles it into static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Setting Up Hugo: A Quickstart Guide

Follow these steps to set up your first Hugo site

1. Install Hugo

First, ensure you have Hugo installed. Use your package manager of choice:

# Windows
winget install Hugo.Hugo.Extended

2. Create a New Project

Initialize a new Hugo site:

hugo new site my-new-site

This command scaffolds a directory structure optimized for modular development.

3. Add a Theme or Build Your Own

Browse Hugo Themes or create a custom theme to match your project’s needs. For example:

# change directory to your newly created site
cd my-new-site

# this will insert a template used to display your site
git submodule add themes/mainroad 

That is the theme this site uses. The cool thing about themes is you can quickly change how your site looks.

Set the theme in config.toml:

theme = "mainroad"

4. Generate Content

Hugo’s Markdown support simplifies content creation. Create a new post:

hugo new post/

This will generate a page in the post folder with the following contents

date = '2025-01-06T17:26:44Z'
draft = true
title = 'First Post'

You can edit the generated file in content/posts.

5. Local Development Server

Hugo’s built-in server lets you preview your site with hot reloading:

hugo server -D

Access your site at http://localhost:1313.

This means you can view your change live it can help you write content quickly

6. Build Static the files

When your site is ready for deployment, run:


Static files will be placed in the public directory, ready for deployment.

Deploying Hugo Sites

Static sites are highly portable and can be deployed across various platforms. Here are some examples:

  1. AWS S3: Use S3 buckets for scalable hosting, optionally with CloudFront for CDN.
  2. Github Pages: This is a brilliant free way to deploy a website.

Advanced Tips for Programmers

  • Shortcodes: Define reusable snippets for embedding code, videos, or custom widgets.

Embed a youtube video


Embed an image with optional attributes

  • Partials: Modularize your templates for clean and maintainable code.

  • Data Files: Use YAML, JSON, or TOML files to inject structured data into your templates.

  • Hugo Modules: Enable component-based development by reusing content and templates across projects.

  • Benchmarking: Use hugo --templateMetrics to optimize template rendering.

Useful parameters

In the hugo.toml file we put configuration options for the generate site for example

googleAnalytics: if you have set uip a google analytics account add this property and it will generate the correct addition to your site.

Further reading

Quick Start Guide
How to host on github pages
Hugo Discord
Hugo Tips
Markdown Tutorial