Cellular Automata: Traffic Flow Simulation using the Nagel-Schreckenberg Model

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The Nagel-Schreckenberg (NaSch) model is a traffic flow model which uses used cellular automata to simulate and predict traffic on roads.

Design of the Nagel-Schreckenberg Model

  1. Discrete Space and Time:

    • The road is divided into cells, each representing a fixed length (e.g., a few meters).
    • Time advances in discrete steps.
  2. Vehicle Representation:

    • Each cell is either empty or occupied by a single vehicle.
    • Each vehicle has a velocity (an integer) which determines how many cells it moves in a single time step.

Rules of the Model:

  • The NaSch model uses local rules to update the state of each vehicle at every time step. These rules are:
  1. Acceleration:

    • A vehicle increases its velocity by 1 unit (up to a maximum velocity \(v_{\text{max}}\)).
  2. Deceleration:

    • If the distance to the next vehicle ahead is less than the current velocity, the vehicle slows down to avoid a collision.
  3. Randomization:

    • With a probability \(p\), a vehicle randomly decreases its velocity by 1 unit to account for driver imperfections or road conditions.
  4. Movement:

    • Each vehicle moves forward by the updated velocity.
  5. Parameters:

    • Road length: Total number of cells.
    • Vehicle density: Fraction of cells occupied by vehicles.
    • Maximum velocity (\(v_{\text{max}}\)): Maximum speed of the vehicles.
    • Randomization probability (\(p\)): Likelihood of a vehicle slowing down randomly.

Steps in the Simulation

  1. Initialization:

    • Place vehicles on the road randomly or with a specific density.
    • Assign each vehicle an initial velocity (often 0).
  2. Iterative Updates:

    • For each time step, apply the four rules (acceleration, deceleration, randomization, and movement) to update the positions and velocities of all vehicles.
  3. Observation:

    • Measure traffic metrics like flow, density, and average velocity to analyze traffic behavior under different conditions.

Python Implementation

This python code will generate a road and show traversal along that road using the model.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML

# Simulation parameters
road_length = 100  # Length of the road (number of cells)
num_cars = 30  # Number of cars on the road
max_speed = 5  # Maximum speed of cars (cells per time step)
p_slow = 0.3  # Probability of random slowing down
num_steps = 100  # Number of time steps to simulate

# road: An array representing the road where -1 indicates an empty cell.
# Initialize the road with empty cells (-1)
road = np.full(road_length, -1)

# Randomly place cars on the road with random initial speeds
car_positions = np.random.choice(road_length, num_cars, replace=False)
# Random initial speeds assigned to each car.
initial_speeds = np.random.randint(0, max_speed + 1, num_cars)
road[car_positions] = initial_speeds

def update_road(road):
    new_road = np.full_like(road, -1)
    road_length = len(road)
    for i in range(road_length):
        if road[i] != -1:
            speed = road[i]
            # Step 1: Acceleration
            if speed < max_speed:
                speed += 1
            # Step 2: Slowing down due to other cars
            distance = 1
            while distance <= speed and road[(i + distance) % road_length] == -1:
                distance += 1
            distance -= 1
            speed = min(speed, distance)
            # Step 3: Randomization
            if speed > 0 and np.random.rand() < p_slow:
                speed -= 1
            # Step 4: Move the car
            new_position = (i + speed) % road_length
            new_road[new_position] = speed
    return new_road

# Store the history of the road for visualization
road_history = [road.copy()]
for step in range(num_steps):
    road = update_road(road)

# Prepare the figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.set_xlabel("Position on Road")
ax.set_ylabel("Time Step")

# Convert road history to a 2D array for visualization
road_display = []
for state in road_history:
    display_state = np.where(state >= 0, 1, 0)  # 1 for car, 0 for empty
road_display = np.array(road_display)

# Display the simulation as an image
im = ax.imshow(road_display, cmap="Greys", interpolation="none", aspect="auto")

    """Explanation: We create a 2D array where rows represent time steps and columns represent positions on the road. 
         A value of 1 indicates a car, and 0 indicates an empty cell. 
         We then use imshow to display this array as an image.
         We then save the traverse of the road as an animated gif and show that."""

# Show the generated road plot

image_filenames = []
for i, r in enumerate(road_display):
    ax.imshow([r], cmap="Greys", aspect="auto")
    ax.set_title(f"Time Step {i}")
    ax.set_xlabel("Position on Road")
    save_path = f"traffic_{i}.png"
    fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=300)

def create_gif(image_filenames, output_filename="traffic.gif", fps=2):
    Creates an animated GIF from a list of image filenames.
    from PIL import Image

    images = [Image.open(filename) for filename in image_filenames]
        duration=1000 // fps,

create_gif(image_filenames, output_filename="traffic.gif", fps=2)

from IPython.display import Image

The map

All Taffic



Traffic Flow Dynamics

The NaSch model reproduces key traffic phenomena, including:

  • Free Flow: At low vehicle densities, vehicles travel at their maximum velocity without interference.
  • Congested Flow: At higher densities, vehicles form clusters, leading to slower movement and stop-and-go traffic.
  • Jam Formation: With very high densities, vehicles are nearly stationary, forming traffic jams.

Applications of the NaSch Model

  1. Traffic Management:

    • Predict traffic congestion under varying densities and road conditions.
    • Evaluate the effects of traffic control measures (e.g., speed limits or lane closures).
  2. Urban Planning:

    • Model the impact of new road networks or infrastructure changes on traffic flow.
  3. Driver Behavior Analysis:

    • Incorporate different probabilities \(p\) to study the effects of driver aggressiveness or cautiousness.
  4. Autonomous Vehicles:

    • Test traffic flow patterns in mixed environments with autonomous and human-driven vehicles.

Strengths and Limitations


  • Simple and computationally efficient.
  • Captures realistic traffic dynamics like free flow, congestion, and jams.
  • Flexible for extensions (e.g., multi-lane roads or variable \(v_{\text{max}}\)).


  • Simplistic representation of vehicle and road dynamics.
  • Does not account for detailed vehicle interactions like lane-changing or acceleration profiles.
  • Randomization oversimplifies driver behavior.

Code Examples

Check out the ca notebooks for the code used in this post and additional examples.